Ride Guide

Info for All Bentonville Ride Club Rides

  1. Please familiarize yourself with Bentonville Ride Club By-Laws.

  2. Rides depart promptly at the posted start time. Example: Start time at 4:00 pm. If it’s 4:01 pm you missed the start time.

  3. Everyone on the ride must have submitted Emergency Contact information.

  4. Each rider must have the ride route (available via RideWithGPS).

  5. Changes in Ride start times due to weather will be announced via Strava Group one hour prior to the start time.

Group Ride Norms & Expectations

Weekly Ride Schedule

Tuesdays, 4:00 pm Departure.

Thursdays, 4:00 pm Departure.

Saturdays, 8:30 am Departure

Official Dates & Start Times are available via Strava Group.

Ride Groups

A Group Rides

Who? Designed for those familiar with cycling. Typically riding 75 to 100+ a week.

Gravel Routes

Tempo Rides

Typical Pace 13.5+ mph

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Rides (normally)

A Group Rides may reasonably regroup. Typical rest / refuel breaks every 90 to 120 mins (25 miles, etc.)

B Group Rides

Who? Designed for those new to cycling and/or new to Bentonville Ride Club.

Gravel Routes

No Drop Rides

Typical Pace: 12 to 13 mph

Tuesday Rides (normally)

A & B Group Rides start together and typically follow the same or similar route. The goal is to end at the same time.

B Group Riders & e-Bikes are great.

B Group Riders can always start with A Group Rides; however, if the pace is unmanageable please be prepared to self-navigate back to the starting point. This is actually the way to improve and over time, ride consistently with the A Group.

Route Levels

Level 1 Rides

Who? B Group Riders


  • Gravel: 20 to 25 miles

  • Mtn Bike: 10 to 12 miles

Average Speed:

  • Gravel: 12 mph to 13 mph (1.5 hours ride time)

  • Mtn Bike: 7 mph (1.5 hours ride time)


  • Gravel: Less than 1,500 feet of climbing

  • Mtn Bike: Varies

No Drop Rides

When: Tuesday rides are typically Level 1 Rides.

Other: Level 1 riders should also make time for other rides during the week to increase fitness as most BRC rides are Level 2 and Level 3 rides.

Level 2 Rides

Who? A Group Riders (Improving B Group Riders)


  • Gravel: 25 to 30 miles

  • Mtn Bike: 12 to 15 miles

Average Speed:

  • Gravel: 14 mph to 15 mph (2 hours ride time).

  • Mtn Bike: 7 mph to 8 mph (2 hours ride time)


  • Gravel: Typically less than 2,000 ft of climbing.

  • Mtn Bike: Varies

Level 2 rides may drop riders if they are unable to keep the group pace consistently. Make sure to have the route available.

When: As scheduled

Other: Level 2 Rides can also be great for those Level 1 Riders with E-Bikes.

Level 3 Ride

Who? A Group Riders.

Designed for those who have been cycling for a few seasons or who are pursuing a seasonal goal like a Century Ride or a Fall Destination Event (like MidSouth Gravel, Big Sugar Gravel).

Distance: Mileage for Level 3 rides is determined based on upcoming endurance events, but it is designed to get you to the finish line.

Average Speed:

  • Gravel: 13 to 15 mph based on the training schedule.

  • Mtn Bike: 7 to 8 mph based on the training schedule

Elevation: TBD

When: As scheduled and typically a Saturday or Sunday ride.

Level 3 rides may drop riders if not able to consistently keep the designated pace.

Other: Level 3 rides often have loops that allow Level 2 riders to start together and cut back early to stay within a Level 2 Ride format.

Rider Expectations for Mechanical Breakdowns

Just like death and taxes, mechanical breakdowns will happen. Please be prepared. We don’t want you to get stuck out there.

What to Bring?

  • All riders are expected to carry basic repair tools and supplies (i.e. a spare tube and bike pump/CO2).

  • Cell phone with Route downloaded (via RideWithGPS account).

  • Carry enough food and water for the ride. Routes will have refuel locations marked.

  • Depart for ride with tires at proper air pressure.

  • Please do not show up to a ride with a bike that is non-operable.

  • For more info, check out our LFG Pre-Ride Checklist.

All Riders should be able to…

  • Fix a flat tire or plug a tubeless tire.

  • Have someone they can call if they need to be picked up (or be able to wait until group completes ride and can come pick you up).

What if I don’t know how to do this repairs?

One of the benefits of becoming a Bentonville Ride Club member is you can take advantage of our Whiskey and Wrenches Shop & Training Nights or get a consult from our BIEA Accredited Bicycle Assembly & Repair Technician.